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Joko kävitte kuuntelee Novoselicin uutta bändiä?
Eipä siinä paljoo ihmettelemistä ole.
Holen Live through this on parempi ku nevermind.
Holen Live through this on parempi ku nevermind.
Courtney Love reveals unpublished lyrics to "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
"Some of these were in these journals, and some of them are unpublished," she explains, before going on to recite some lyrics: "Come out and play / make up the rules / I know I hope / to buy the truth / who will be the king and queen / of all the outcasted teens", before the chorus kicks in: "We're so lazy / and so stupid / blame our parents / and the cupids / a deposit, for a bottle / stick it inside / no role model".
Another version of the lyrics reads: "We merge ahead this special day / this day giving amnesty to sacrilege" / "A denial / and from strangers / a revival / and from favours / here we are now / we're so famous / here we are now / entertain us".
240 eemelii maksaa boksi Siis 5CD boksi. Sinne on jotain turhaa kallista rompetta ympätty mukaan
Lithium purkitettiin klikin kanssa, muut ilman. Studiossa meni kolme päivää. Bändi oli treenannut päivittäin viimeiset puoli vuotta, olivat todella kovassa vireessä.
You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything. But you had to have the BIG SALAD.
Kurt Cobainin kuolemasta on tasan 30 vuotta – Näin HS uutisoi asiasta aikoinaan
muistan kun luin tuon sunnuntaiaamuna, oli kyllä ehkä järkyttävin julkkiskuolema itselleni ikinä
Muistan kun kaverin isosisko kertoi että Kurt oli ampunut aivonsa pellolle. Olihan se vähän yllättävää mutta Nirvanaa pidin tuolloin huonona ”rääkymismusana”.
Ti ho detto come una volta un po' di vino, dischi in vinile, sequel, ragazze, ragazze, Kauko Röyhkä?
En kuunnellut nirvanaa vielä 94 mutta pari vuotta myöhemmin kun tuli muddy banks live niin silloin kyllä.
Karhut feissiin kuule tää on se reitti hä ...ja kerran eräs naarassusi melkein mun kengille kusi
enpä tiennytkään että blew 12" on noin harvinainen, siitä pyydetään yli 200 euroa
hauska juttu omasta kopsustani, siinä oli yksi ylimääräinen etiketti mukana, se puoli missä on biisien nimet
Tää on kyl aika paska.
kurtin tyttärenpojalla on sama syntymäpäivä kuin meitsillä
Frances Bean Cobain Welcomes Baby Boy with Husband Riley Hawk: ‘Welcome to the World'
the fallin basisti steve hanley muistelee:
"There’s a scruffy blond-haired bloke at our bus door, standing on the steps, blocking the entrance just when we need a quick getaway. ‘I loved your show tonight…’
Fuck me, it’s Kurt Cobain.
‘Let me come on your road trip.’ He insists on coming with us but, having just scored a break from our own temperamental singer, do we really want to get saddled with someone else’s? Forty hours of playing host to the world’s biggest-selling vocalist is not a prospect I’d particularly relish. So, instead of saying, ‘Okay then. Make yourself at home in the lounge area,’ I go and blurt, ‘It’s forty hours away. How are you going to get back?’
The bus is loaded, off we go and, instead of kicking back in the lounge with Kurt Cobain, here we are washing Dave’s sandwiches down with our pilfered beer. Craig can’t wait to tell everyone. ‘Steve just told Kurt Cobain to get lost!’ he laughs. ‘Bloody hell!’ says Si, as we speed towards the outskirts of the city. ‘What were you thinking?’ ‘He wanted to come to Dallas. It’s fucking miles away.’ What?’ says Si, shocked at the wasted opportunity. ‘And you didn’t let him? He might be thinking of doing a solo album,’ he imagines, ‘and he might need some more musicians!’"