#121 11.01.2010 17:13

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,910

Re: Sublime Frequencies

[quote:e0693fdc29="janne m."]Onko kyseessä tämä biisi? Hassua ku en yhtään muista olisko tuollaista ollut Radio Algerialla.


Universalin julkaisema biisi... Vois kuvitella, että ovat vähän tarkempia copyright-hommien suhteen kuin jotkut satunnaiset katu/yms muusikot joita nuo Sublime Frequencies julkaisee luvalla ja luvattomasti. Siis jos tommonen paljastuis. Eiköhän noita ranskalaisia artisteja löydy Algerian musamarketeista täkäläisillä diy kansilla, helposti varmaan menee läpi algerialaisesta jutusta jos ei jotenkin keksi tarkistaa asiaa.[/quote:e0693fdc29]

Juuri tuohan se on. 10. biisin lopussa siis tuostav useamman minuutin pätkä. Mielenkiintoista, että biisi noinkin iso hitti ollut.

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#122 11.01.2010 17:55

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Aijai, tuo onkin vähän hassumpi homma. Jotenkin hankala uskoa, että tuossa olis mitenkään otettu noita tekijäinoikeuksia huomioon koska kansissa ei ollut aiheesta mainintaa...  :?

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#123 11.01.2010 18:04

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

onhan siellä jollain levyllä michael jacksoniakin, tosin pieni pätkä mut tuskinpa möykkäel sai royalteja icon_lol

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#124 12.01.2010 09:30

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: Sublime Frequencies

psykokarkki wrote:

onhan siellä jollain levyllä michael jacksoniakin, tosin pieni pätkä mut tuskinpa möykkäel sai royalteja icon_lol

Heh, okei  icon_rolleyes

Hauskaa miten kuiteski noin "isolla profiililla" pelaava lafka uskaltaa kikkailla tommosten isojen tahojen kanssa.

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#125 12.01.2010 10:26

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

underground-lafka kuitenkin icon_cool

EDIT: luin underground-lahna eiq icon_rolleyes

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#126 12.01.2010 10:30

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: Sublime Frequencies

[quote:3aaf211861="psykokarkki"]underground-lafka kuitenkin icon_cool

EDIT: luin underground-lahna eiq icon_rolleyes[/quote:3aaf211861]

Juu toki, mutta uugeelafka jolla aika hyvä jakelu.

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#127 12.01.2010 10:36

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

toki näin, ja täytyykin toivoa ettei meininki stoppaa johonkin tämmöiseen kun joku älypää keksii haastaa oikeuteen mad

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#128 13.01.2010 22:38

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,910

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Näköjään noita lainauksia on vähän kaikilla levyillä. Radio Thailandin 2 cd:llä ekassa biisissä on myös pieni pätkä jostain Ennio Morriconen biisistä. Taitaa tosin olla enemmänkin cover... Että kai se coverin tehnyt artisti on sitten ensisijaisesti pulassa jos tekijänoikeudet eivät ole kunnossa  017  grin

Piti laittaa vielä pari levyä lisää tilaukseen...

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#129 13.01.2010 23:56

janne m.
Registered: 28.11.2006
Posts: 8,160

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Alxity wrote:

Että kai se coverin tehnyt artisti on sitten ensisijaisesti pulassa jos tekijänoikeudet eivät ole kunnossa  017  grin

Jos vaihtoehtona ameriikan tekijäinoikeusbyroolle on hakea syyllinen jostain tyyliin thaimaan ghettosta, tai sitten ihan kotimaasta niin taitaapi kallistua jälkimmäiseen. Ihan samaan rikkeeseen ovat syyllistyneet kumpainenkin, eli säv/sov/san kaman julkaisuun ilman lupaa.

Noh, tyhmää maalailla tämmössii pirui seinille, toivottavasti eivät jää kiinni noista.

organizing the boy scouts for murder is wrong


#130 16.01.2010 23:31

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,910

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Vielä viimeisen kerran noista covereista sen verran, että eipä niitä näköjään aina ole edes jaksettu mitenkään "peitellä". Radio Myanmarilla on ainakin biisi nimeltä Avril Lavigne Cover Song, joka on juurikin sitä mitä nimestä voi päätellä. Radio Myanmarille siitä muuten peukkua, että ovat erottaneet kaikki raidat omikseen. Eli siihen suosikkibiisiin, minkä illanvietossa haluaa ihmisille soittaa pääsee hyppäämään kätevästi heti ilman kelaamista. Yllättävän poppia tuo Radio Myanmar taisi kyllä olla.

Radio Palestine näytti muuten olevan koottu jo vuonna 1985! Tai kai noissa muissakin kokoaminen on usein aloitettu jo 80-luvulla, mutta tuo oli vissiin nimenomaan tuona yhtenä vuonna tehty. Späm.

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#131 16.01.2010 23:40

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

radio morocco oli myös jostain 80-luvun alusta. mua toi radio myanmarin kaikki omina raitoinaan -meininki jotenkin häiritsi, mut pitäispä taas taas kuunnella, ei olekaan tullut pyöräytettyä vähään aikaan kun en siitä niin kauheesti innostunut.

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#132 18.01.2010 12:29

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

uutta vinyyliä pukkaa, pistin varaukseen:

[quote:b86ec43512="Eclipse Records"]*Omar Khorshid - Guitar El Chark (Guitar Of The Orient) double LP $29.99 (Sublime Frequencies)

"The late Omar Khorshid remains an iconic legend of the Arab world, though he's received criminally little international acclaim. Born in Cairo in 1945, the glittering age of Egypt's cultural reinvention, Khorshid was soon to become one of its luminaries and most well-known, if short-lived, voices. He is regarded as the greatest guitarist the Arab world has ever known. By the mid-'60s, Khorshid was established with his group Le Petit Chats, an Egyptian beat group modeled after the prevailing influence of Elvis and The Beatles. It was at this time that one of the reigning figures of contemporary Arabic music, Abdel Halim Hafez, asked Omar Khorshid to join his orchestra. With Baligh Hamdi composing, Hafez with Khorshid in place would create some of the most innovative modern sounds in the Arabic musical canon. Time with the Hafez orchestra offered Khorshid instant fame, and it wasn't long before he was asked to play with the queen of Arab music, the voice of Egypt herself, Oum Kalthoum. Over the next few years, Khorshid became a well-established and integral part of the Arab musical landscape. He was featured heavily in live concerts, national TV and radio and studio recordings, playing for the leading artists of the day. The guitar had now become an essential ingredient in the Oriental orchestra. Khorshid began recording albums under his own name for the prestigious Lebanese record labels Voice Of The Orient and Voice Of Lebanon. Working with visionary engineer Nabil Moumtaz at Polysound studios in Beirut, Khorshid would take his music into some of the most progressive musical terrain of its time. The tracks included here in this retrospective are from the prolific span of Khorshid's career in Beirut from 1973 to 1977. The venerable Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish best encapsulated this time in Lebanon: "unfortunately, it was paradise." Khorshid's prolific instrumental music enjoyed recognition that transcended class and status during the brief period he shone. It's a testament to his immense talent and some of the finest guitar music the world has ever heard. This limited edition 2LP vinyl release features over 80 minutes of classic original recordings compiled by Sublime Frequencies housed in a beautiful full-color gatefold jacket with extensive liner notes."[/quote:b86ec43512]

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#133 20.01.2010 17:12

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,910

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Top5 tällä hetkellä (läheskään kaikkia en ole kuullut)

1. Radio Pyongyang
2. Radio Phnom Penh
3. Radio Algeria
4. Radio Palestine
5. Radio Morocco

Harmi ettei tuota viimeksi mainittua näytä saavan yhtään mistään... Tuota Pyonyangia sentään näkyi käytettynä Discogsilla.

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#134 22.01.2010 15:56

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

omar souleyman oli kuulemma tulossa ilosaareen mut ei kelvannu maditku

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#135 22.01.2010 15:58

rankka rässi
From: 1927 'till infinity
Registered: 16.09.2005
Posts: 39,222

Re: Sublime Frequencies


Tuskipa tarvitsee mennä tänäkään vuonna.

Ei puhuttele konerumpu ja Hitler sample samoin kuin kaunis ja eteerinen homo kuiskailu


#136 22.01.2010 22:57

From: Tampere
Registered: 19.10.2005
Posts: 2,171

Re: Sublime Frequencies

psykokarkki wrote:

omar souleyman oli kuulemma tulossa ilosaareen mut ei kelvannu maditku

no jaa miten "oli tulossa" nyt sit tulkitaan. tarjottiin sitä niille ja niil oli jo ohjelma täynnä. ei se nyt missään vaiheessa vielä "ollut tulossa"

mutta eivätpä tiä mitä menettävät! ois meinaan planeetan parhaat partyt suomen suvessa! ihana ajatus mutta haaveet kaatuu

let me fall out of the window
with confetti in my hair


#137 23.01.2010 12:46

Ylitarkastaja Tolonen
Registered: 19.01.2007
Posts: 8,599

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Niin, se oli vasta sillä asteella, että agentuuri veikkasi päivämäärien toimivan, ehkä...

Jäsen: vitun hapan pappaosasto.

Matin kanssa seilataan
Paten kanssa reivataan


#138 23.01.2010 13:09

From: outhouse of the pryeeeeeee
Registered: 04.07.2005
Posts: 11,533

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Eli käytännössä homma oli jo selvä :wink

Karhut feissiin kuule tää on se reitti hä ...ja kerran eräs naarassusi melkein mun kengille kusi tongue


#139 07.02.2010 19:26

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

[quote:6fc06df081="psykokarkki"]harmittavan lyhyt pätkä mut:

kyllähän group bombino taitaa olla bändeistä kovin, mun mielestä parempi ku group inerane tai mikään muukaan kuulemani tuareg-pumppu.

niin, pari sanaa näistä:

en tiedä mikä siinä on mut jotenkaan ei ihan iske tämä, paikoin noi söpöstely-miau-miau-miau -vokaalit on vähe liikaa mut jatketaan harjoituksia taas joskus ff

sen sijaan tämä
on asiamenoa alusta loppuun, jotenki nää thai-jutut toimii ja tässä on monia tosi hienoja biisejä. jostain systä tän ykkösosa on mulla jäänyt ihan liian vähälle huomiolle, pitääkin kaivaa esiin jos on vähänkään yhtä hyvä colorflash thai-soulia rakkaus

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#140 07.02.2010 22:58

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

[quote:1fbb4bfdff]He is a great talent. Stay tuned for the doc, probably late this year. He is working on a new CD and we are going to do one more shoot in Agadez.[/quote:1fbb4bfdff]

Omara "bombino" Mochtar  vaikuttaa olevan välillä myös bambino mut sou not colorflash

olis melkein oman topikin paikka psykostep tongue


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#141 27.02.2010 13:25

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,910

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Vihdoinkin sain käsiini Radio Indian!

Pitää muuten toivoa, että joku jaksaa jossain vaiheessa koota joko Radio Ho Chi Minhin tai Radio Hanoin. Sen verran mielenkiintoista musiikkia tuntui Vietnamissa radiossa soivan. Ostin pari cd:täkin sieltä ihan summassa ja yksi oli rakenteeltaankin jo hyvin samantyyppinen kuin nuo SF:n julkaisut: 4 melkein 10 min biisiä, joista yhdessä oli mukana muistaakseni melko jatsahtava väliosa ja yhdessä biisissä oli kyllä sellainen kikkelinvenytyskitarasoolo, että siinä jää moni kasarihevibändikin kakkoseksi  peuk

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#142 01.03.2010 10:50

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

juu, ja laitappa levyä ihmeessä jakoon.

tässä viime aikoina (eilen) fiilistelly taas radio moroccoa, on se vaan niin hieno. harmi vaan kun siellä on seassa pari ihan tajuttoman kovaa biisiä joista tulee vaan joku muutaman sekunnin pätkä. nyt iskee varsinkin noi ranskankieliset jutut tuolta ja esim. radio algerialta. mistähän tommosta musaa kandeis etsiä lisää?

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#143 06.03.2010 12:51

bruttokansanonnellisuuden viraston sihteeri
From: Tampere
Registered: 27.06.2005
Posts: 7,910

Re: Sublime Frequencies

psykokarkki wrote:

juu, ja laitappa levyä ihmeessä jakoon.

Vois yrittää tehdä noista vaikka jonkun mix tapen, jossa olis levyiltä parhaat biisit.

<@Tupou> jätkä haukkuu itse muita karkeiksi
<@DBGene> senkin karkki


#144 25.03.2010 22:32

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

uuden tupla-lp:n kansi
yli 80 minsaa eli cd-versiostakin tulee tupla tai sit pätkitty versio. ja tämähän on toki jo varauksessa eclipsellä dance

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#145 27.03.2010 17:10

From: Hki
Registered: 06.08.2007
Posts: 402

Re: Sublime Frequencies

^ Panin tilaukseen, kohta ne loppuu.


#146 27.03.2010 19:55

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Aquarius Records wrote:

KHORSHID, OMAR  "Guitar El Chark"  (Sublime Frequencies)  2lp  30.00
    A record like this is pretty much destined to be an aQ Record Of The Week. A super limited double lp, on Sublime Frequencies, featuring two whole lps of spaced out Arabic instrumental psychedelic surf rock and Eastern progressive beat, from legendary Arabic actor and musician Omar Khorshid, who is criminally unknown outside of the Middle East, especially considering his high profile, and the fact that this is some of the heaviest, buzziest, most rockingest stuff we've heard yet on Sublime Frequencies.
    Born in Cairo, and widely considered to be the greatest guitarist in the Arab world, Khorshid became a ubiquitous presence in the Middle East, performing live, in televised concerts as an actor in films and on television, by the seventies he began working with a legendary Beirut composer, and his music became more and more avant and progressive, as did those who looked to him for inspiration, he helped introduce modern electronics, reverb, delay and other effects, pushing his sound way out, and creating something totally unique, and pretty fantastical.
    On first listen, you can't help but be blown away. Wild tangled outer space synths, buzzy sitar like guitars, wild drumming, a strange sort of hypnotic buzzing Eastern style surf rock, which to these ears sounds like it was cooked up in a makeshift kitchen recording studio by an Arab Joe Meek. Fuzz guitar all over the place, almost like a Middle Eastern Ventures, propuslive, hypnotic, totally rocking, energetic and inspired, and seriously progressive, especially for the time.
    His death was as dramatic as his life, after performing in 1977 at the Egyptian / Israeli summit at the White House, and being seated between Presidents Carter, Begin and Sadat, he was constantly harassed, enduring several assasination attempts and near constant surveillance, before being killed at age 36 in a mysterious car crash.
    But his legacy lives on in his music, finally being exposed to a wider audience, a music at once original and forward thinking, exuberant, ebullient, fun and funky, wild and rocking and totally unique. Definitely one of our favorite Sublime Frequencies releases. Only on vinyl for now, and while it's likely there will be a cd version (which we'll also make a Record Of The Week when the time comes), we can never be 100 percent sure, so better grab one of these quick, espeically considering we only got 40 of these and most likely won't be able to get any more!

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#147 29.03.2010 09:55

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

ja uutuuksia pukkaa:

Eclipse Records wrote:

*Omar Souleyman - Jazeera Nights: Folk & Pop Sounds of Syria CD $15.99 (Sublime Frequencies)
Sublime Frequencies is honored to present Omar Souleyman's third Western collection on disc. This retrospective features live recordings spanning 15 years of Omar's tireless repertoire, and is rife with frenzied Syrian dabke (a regional folkloric dance and party music), Iraqi choubi and a host of Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish styles, among others -- an amalgamation that exemplifies the musical essence of Northeastern Syria. Culled from cassettes recorded between 1995 and 2009, this collection offers a further rare glimpse into Syrian street-level dabke folk-pop -- a phenomena seldom heard in the West, not previously deemed serious enough for export by the Syrians and rarely, if ever, included on the import agenda of worldwide academic musical committees. Over the years, Souleyman's popularity has risen steadily and the group tirelessly performs concerts throughout Syria and has accepted invitations to perform abroad in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. In 2006, Sublime Frequencies partnered with Omar to release Highway To Hassake (SF 031CD), the first compilation of his works to be issued in the West. The success of this release and the video for the song "Leh Jani" helped see Souleyman and his group invited for their first Western tour in 2009 alongside label-mates Group Doueh from the Western Sahara. This successful tour quickly elevated Souleyman to the status of an international legend -- and deservedly so. This release coincides with the beginning of Omar's 2010 international tour in May which will take him to the UK, the European mainland, and hopefully the U.S. and Canada. CD features a full-color 8-page booklet with great photos, a general overview of the lyrics translated into English and liner notes by compiler Mark Gergis.

*V/A - Ethnic Minority Music of Northwest Xinjiang, China CD $15.99 (Sublime Frequencies)
"Laurent Jeanneau and Shi Tanding have returned from the northwest corner of China's Xinjiang province with an amazing batch of recordings collected during the weeks leading up to the volatile Uyghur uprising of 2009. Armed with their trusty audio gear, the couple was set on getting married and recording various styles of regional ethnic music near the Chinese border with Kazakhstan. However, the local authorities suspected that the pair had other intentions, shadowing and interrogating them wherever they went. Their marriage in Shi Tanding's home town of Ili would have to wait for another time (the marriage documents were delayed in processing deep within the Chinese bureaucracy) but the recordings, preserved here, display several magnificent and unique varieties of traditional Islamic folk music with traces of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish influences heard throughout. The players are Kazakh, Uyghur, Kirgiz and Mongol Erut musicians performing on a wide array of local stringed instruments including topchar, komuz, rushtar, rawab and tchang. One amazing example is Kurmanjiang Zaccharia, a Kazakh string virtuoso, whose lightning-fast fingers blaze up and down the neck of his two-stringed dongbra. Another is an epic 10-minute vocal muqam performed by a trio of Uyghur musicians on satar, tambur and dotar. Also featured is a Kazakh singing-style called Ay Ikesse performed by Aken (improvising poet-singers utilizing dongbra accompaniment), Kirgiz songs sung in the Manas style and played on the komuz, and Mongol Erut bai boor den instrumental pieces. The CD comes with a 16-page full-color booklet featuring photos of the musicians and informative liner notes chronicling the journey, instruments and styles documented, and background information on the performers by Laurent Jeanneau."

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#148 30.03.2010 00:07

From: Tampere
Registered: 19.10.2005
Posts: 2,171

Re: Sublime Frequencies

nippu khorshideja rantautui äxään tänään! khyl! oikein hyvältä kuulostaa ja näyttää joo


psykokarkki wrote:
Aquarius Records wrote:

KHORSHID, OMAR  "Guitar El Chark"  (Sublime Frequencies)  2lp  30.00
    A record like this is pretty much destined to be an aQ Record Of The Week. A super limited double lp, on Sublime Frequencies, featuring two whole lps of spaced out Arabic instrumental psychedelic surf rock and Eastern progressive beat, from legendary Arabic actor and musician Omar Khorshid, who is criminally unknown outside of the Middle East, especially considering his high profile, and the fact that this is some of the heaviest, buzziest, most rockingest stuff we've heard yet on Sublime Frequencies.
    Born in Cairo, and widely considered to be the greatest guitarist in the Arab world, Khorshid became a ubiquitous presence in the Middle East, performing live, in televised concerts as an actor in films and on television, by the seventies he began working with a legendary Beirut composer, and his music became more and more avant and progressive, as did those who looked to him for inspiration, he helped introduce modern electronics, reverb, delay and other effects, pushing his sound way out, and creating something totally unique, and pretty fantastical.
    On first listen, you can't help but be blown away. Wild tangled outer space synths, buzzy sitar like guitars, wild drumming, a strange sort of hypnotic buzzing Eastern style surf rock, which to these ears sounds like it was cooked up in a makeshift kitchen recording studio by an Arab Joe Meek. Fuzz guitar all over the place, almost like a Middle Eastern Ventures, propuslive, hypnotic, totally rocking, energetic and inspired, and seriously progressive, especially for the time.
    His death was as dramatic as his life, after performing in 1977 at the Egyptian / Israeli summit at the White House, and being seated between Presidents Carter, Begin and Sadat, he was constantly harassed, enduring several assasination attempts and near constant surveillance, before being killed at age 36 in a mysterious car crash.
    But his legacy lives on in his music, finally being exposed to a wider audience, a music at once original and forward thinking, exuberant, ebullient, fun and funky, wild and rocking and totally unique. Definitely one of our favorite Sublime Frequencies releases. Only on vinyl for now, and while it's likely there will be a cd version (which we'll also make a Record Of The Week when the time comes), we can never be 100 percent sure, so better grab one of these quick, espeically considering we only got 40 of these and most likely won't be able to get any more!

let me fall out of the window
with confetti in my hair


#149 30.03.2010 22:08

uses and endorses MUOVIKASSI and COMMUNISM ☭
From: #Mitään UG:tä ei ole olemassa freak "skene"
Registered: 14.11.2006
Posts: 100,475

Re: Sublime Frequencies

hisham mayetin dj-nimi on frank sumatra biggrin

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#150 30.03.2010 23:54

Registered: 14.09.2008
Posts: 229

Re: Sublime Frequencies

Pitäisi pitkästä aikaa ottaa joku sf-levy kuunteluun... Syksyllä hankittu radio algeria vielä muoveissa  icon_redface  tongue


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